Friday, February 27, 2009

pop quiz

Who laughs boisterously at random?

Who loves to be tickled?

Who's favorite toy is a small plastic eggplant?

Who loves playing in the dishwasher, the dog's water bowl and the dryer?

Who shuts doors all around the house all day long?

Who tried to put a sock on the dog?

Who loves to eat tofu?

Who has dance moves like John Travolta?

Answers will be posted soon. First person to answer all correctly wins a special prize! Good luck!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

the ick in sick

Well, I thought we were in the clear after little H lost his lunch (and dinner and breakfast) from both ends for the better part of last week. (look you chose to read my blog) But alas, miss L woke up suprised - and upset I might add - to find herself covered in her dinner. Poor girl. Poor us.
So, another day of pajamas...and towels all over the floor...and videos on repeat.

I have to say she is (so far) handling it much better than her brother. I know this is a huge generalization but in my experience men seem just a bit more dramatic than women when it comes to sickness. I think that holds true for babies too.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009


I created a new word today.

Twintrovert [Twin-trovert] - noun
Someone who is compelled to become outgoing and gregarious because of twins. Easily excited because there are not one, but two babies -at once - and they are related!

I'm driving home from Boulder today after a nice lunch with a friend. The babies relaxing in the back some milk. Sun is out, music playing. I am sitting at a double left red light and I glance to my car directly next to me.
A guy with his golden retriever riding shotgun.
He signals me to roll down my window. I'm thinking, "ahhh directions, I can handle that"

"Are those twins?" he yells out his window to me.

"Yeah, yup they are"

"I have twins too. They are nine though so we've been though it all."

"Oh, that's so great. So much fun, huh."

"Oh yes they are the best. I just can't believe how fast it goes by really." he lingers.

"Well, I've got to go, the light is now green. Bye."

I find this funny and ironic, not annoying. Never before have I made a friend at a red light until now. Babies bring out a smile in strangers but twins, twins has them encouraging you to roll down your window and share twinspirational stories. I am adapting, becoming a true twintrovert.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

back at it

I can't believe it but 4 weeks have passed since my last post.
No excuses - just planning, packing, two weeks in Mexico, unpacking, a mountain of laundry, and a one year birthday party. Whew!
We made it.
We made it through our first year with our babies. Not slide in by the seat of our pants either. If I do say so myself we did pretty darn good. The babies are still alive and well aren't they? Not without its challenges of course.
But overall, it's made me better - more patient, stronger, and maybe able to let go. There are moments when I still can't believe I have two (adorable) babies all my own.
Here is a sampling of our trip: