Wednesday, July 30, 2008


photo credit: www.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Six months

Sweet Pea and Monkey -

You are six months old today! I just can't believe how fast the time went. I feel like we just brought you home yet it also feels like a lifetime ago when you were so little you couldn't even stay awake for too long and you slept on our chests.

These days you are doing so many new things and you just love to play with all the toys that have now taken over our living room... and the rest of our house.

Layla, you are a little lady after my own heart - you are usually very mellow and calm unless you want something or things have gotten too loud and overwheming for you. I feel the same way. You have a funny sense of humor and everything seems to make you giggle.

Hudson, you are such a little monkey! You love to stay busy and get excited to see new toys. You roll and roll to where you need to go. And you are silly - always looking for something to make you laugh.

I feel grateful to have you two in my life - and I am so thankful that I get to spend my days with you. The other day, there was a special moment when we were all sitting together in the chair. You both looked at each other and smiled and Layla you grabbed Hudson's hand. You just drank your milk holding hands - it was adorable.
I sat there, so content with my babies in my arms - just watching you. This moment is what I was waiting and hoping for all that time...

Love you -
Your mama

Sunday, July 27, 2008

texting 101 (edited)

So I have heard that these "codes" are too "difficult" to decipher. Here are the translations...

Ava + Layla = BFFN+CS 4EAE (Best friends for now + cousins for ever and ever)

Kevin + Damon + Hudson = BGB 4EAE (best golf buddies for ever and ever)
(best golf buddies)

Hope that helps! : )

hot dad

Parenting magazine has a section where you can submit a "Hot Dad". I am submitting Damon because he is so loving with his babies, he takes over when I get tired, and even helps with the dirtiest of diapers. For this, he gets the hot dad award.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

a (half) day in the life of hudson

the hills are alive....

with the sounds of Layla....

Saturday, July 12, 2008

4th of July

Fireworks, barking dogs, longest parade ever, Max biking all the way downtown, the hot tub and a new famous steamboat "pancake puff" breakfast. We had a great 4th this year in Steamboat.

Friday, July 11, 2008

18 hours 15 minutes starting.... now

Not that I am counting but Damon arrives home from his week away less than 24 hours from now. We've missed him!
I caught these two plotting (pretending to nap) on how to torture daddy when he arrives home...

photo shoot

The credit for these photos goes to my mom. Poor Hudson was so tired and Layla spit up all over her dress moments before these were taken but they turned out pretty nice.