Tuesday, December 9, 2008

shake it

I find myself singing a lot lately - interesting, classic numbers like "Open Shut Them", "Patty Cake", "If You're Happy and You Know It".
In the last week the babies have started "dancing". You can't really call it dancing since they don't walk but when they hear a good song they like to shake their booties right where they are.

Here is a good one of Hudson - I will try and get more of Miss L tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

Face it...guys to NOT have rhythm!!! G'ma

Anonymous said...

I sing to myself during the day too, only the dogs don't do any of that cute dancing. Precious video, thanks for sharing!
Auntie Niki

Kristy Freeman said...

That boy has some killer moves! Keep posting videos-I love seeing them!

Sarahviz said...

Yay Amy! Congrats - you won the Kohl's gift card from Day 5 of the Trenches Giveaway!

E-mail me at sarahviz(at)yahoo(dot) com with your mailing address!